Die, Grave Robber, Die by Michael Van Vleet
Old Price
One of the grave robbers is caught. The crowd wheels him about with furious, amateurish blows to his head and defensively raised arms. "Where is the body?" they shout. "Where did they take it?"
The body thief wails. "We were to take the body to Dr. Galfani! To the Flayed House!" he says, begging mercy.
DIE, GRAVE ROBBER, DIE! is a gothic horror one-shot RPG incursion for Trophy Dark, designed for 3-5 players. A rain-drenched world of horror and open graves awaits! Can you reach the Flayed House in time to rescue a stolen body before it’s too late?
Never played Trophy Dark before? No problem! All the rules you need are contained within.
This collaborative play-to-lose RPG scenario follows a group of desperate people charged with reclaiming a stolen body that's been spirited out of its grave. It is very likely that all of them will die or—at best—be permanently scarred and haunted by the experiences waiting for them in the Flayed House!
Need an online character keeper? Die, Grave Robber, Die! is supported by this Trophy Dark Character Keeper courtesy of Ben Bond (Arktosaur). Note: requires a Google account to access.
This game is by Michael Van Vleet and was released as part of Zine Club in December of 2024.